Take action on behalf of grizzly bears and their habitat
From Our Readers... 5

This page of essays contributed by our readers is part of the series initiated by From Our Readers...1, with additional contributions in Parts 2, 3, and 4. The response by those wanting to share their inspired connections with grizzly bears has been overwhelming not only in terms of numbers of contributions, but also in terms of depth of passion and emotion. So, in honor of our readers:
"Room to Roam"
by Phil Knight
Muscles roll under silvertip fur
Her walk is both shuffling and sure
Searching for roots, grubs and berries,
An occasional squirrel she harries.
Two playful cubs tag along
Growling a young grizzly’s song
Watching their mother for example
What she eats they’re eager to sample.
She’ll protect them as well as she can
From dangerous bears or from man
She’ll teach them the ways of the hills
And encourage their natural skills.
But the cubs’ very future is clouded.
By humankind they are being crowded
Will they always find room to roam?
Will we leave them a wilderness home?
‘Cross the West the bear once wandered
But her habitat’s been squandered
By the creature that calls itself wise
and is but a quarter the grizzly’s size.
Wide country and wild she needs
for safety from vile human deeds
To roam unhindered and free
and pursue her own destiny.
Humankind now owns most of the West
and it seems that our race will not rest
‘til we’ve plundered every square acre
Not a giver; always a taker.
Can’t we leave room for another?
For the grizzly cubs and their mother?
For the wolf, badger, eagle and bear?
For all that lives wild out there?
This planet is not ours to ruin
We share it with feline and bruin
With forests, with insects, with birds
With life wonderful beyond words.
Keep it WILD! Keep it GREEN! Keep it FREE!
Open your eyes and see
We are playing a dangerous game
For the Bear’s fate and ours are the same!

Phil grew up in New England and fled for the wilds of the Rockies as soon as he could. He has spent 40 years in the Yellowstone area and has spent a lot of blood sweat and tears defending grizzly bears, wolves, wild forests and other worthy living things. As a Yellowstone Park tour guide Phil is lucky enough to experience Yellowstone's incredible wildlife year round. He and his wife Alaina live in Bozeman.